Make a Holy Week Centerpiece
Similar to an advent wreath, you start with all the candles lit on Palm Sunday, and then on Monday you extinguish a candle day, on Tuesday you extinguish another…..and on through the week until Saturday when the wreath is dark. Relight all the candles on Easter! Click through the link to find further info, ideas, and resources for making a Holy Week Centerpiece.
Holy Week Tenebrae
Tenebrae means “shadows,” and for centuries, Christians have held tenebrae services to explore the mysteries of Holy Week. This Tenebrae Devotional is designed for Hunker Down home use.
At Home Liturgy for Maundy Thursday
This bread-baking liturgy is designed to be used by families, as well as people living alone, during this COVID-19 Holy Week. It is highly adaptable for your particular circumstance.
Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter. “Maundy” means commandment, referencing the new commandment Jesus gave his disciples on this day; for it was on this day that Jesus had his last meal with his disciples. Jesus broke bread, washed the disciples’ feet, and hinted at his coming crucifixion and betrayal. At the time, the disciples did not realize the significance of this moment, but now we recognize how powerful and special this last supper was. As a result, it is our Christian tradition to celebrate this evening with the gift of worship and the sacrament of Communion, just as the disciples did on that night.
Free Range Friday: Good Friday at Home
So we are home this Good Friday…watching and waiting and sheltering in place. Here is a devotional you can follow on your own or with your family or housemates. And it also can be done another time if you’re not able to do it on Good Friday itself.
The Way of the Cross: Praying the Stations of the Cross
In past years several of us from our church have participated in the Catholic Diocese Good Friday Stations of the Cross prayer walk through Anchorage. This year we invite you to create your own walk. You may wish to spend one afternoon walking in your neighborhood and stopping along the way to pray, or you may consider dividing the stations up and spreading your time throughout the week.
At Home Liturgy for Easter Sunday Morning
This Easter Sunday morning liturgy provides helpful ideas and prompts for families and individuals to celebrate the promise of resurrection with simple, mindful activities.
Shouting our Alleluias: An Easter Art Project
Since we can’t shout Alleluia together in the sanctuary this Sunday, you are invited to make a butterfly and share the good news: Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed. You can download a coloring pattern here, or make your own. On Sunday morning, hang your butterflies in your front windows or outside so everyone can see and hear our shouts of Alleluia. You may want to create an Alleluia message to accompany your butterflies. In addition, we encourage you take a photo of your butterflies and email it to the church office. When you take down your butterfly display after Easter, please save your butterflies. We want everyone to bring them to church on the first Sunday we gather together in the sanctuary again and we will use them for a special display for our worship service.
Create Lenten Tiffany-Style Art
See this post for artistic inspiration using supplies you likely have at home.
Devotional Coloring Packet for Palm Sunday
You may download this resource from Illustrated Ministry.