616 W 10th Ave. Anchorage 99501 907-272-6411 fpchurch@firstpresanchorage.org
Sunday Worship Service is 11:00 AM – please join us in person on live-stream!
All children ages 4 through sixth grade are welcome to join us for this year’s VBS which is scheduled June 2 – 6, 2025. VBS will run from 9:30-noon, Monday – Friday. This year we will also have an afternoon session (J.O.Y. Camp), focused on service projects and outdoor activities, from noon – 4 pm, Monday-Thursday, to support families who need an all-day option. On Friday after VBS, there will be a picnic lunch for the whole family! We hope you can join us!
This year’s “Road Trip – On the Road with God” focuses on Joshua 1:9: “The Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Through music, drama, storytelling, recreation, snacks and crafts children will learn ways to put one’s trust in God, whenever we are afraid, challenged, or called to do God’s work in the world and share the Good News of God’s love.
If you have any questions, please contact Director of Faith Formation, Danna Larson, at dllsitka@gmail.com, or (907) 538-7313.
Here’s our Registration Form. Please drop off the completed form to the Church office or email it to Danna Larson. The registration fee can be paid online on the Church giving page or by writing a check to First Presbyterian Church (memo: VBS Registration).
If you have any questions, please contact Director of Faith Formation, Danna Larson, at dllsitka@gmail.com, or (907) 538-7313.
If you would like to volunteer to help with this year’s VBS, please complete our Volunteer Form and send it to Danna! We would be happy to have you join us as part of this fun, intergenerational event!
LENT BEGINS MARCH 5TH! Here are some ideas on developing spiritual practices and giving of yourself during this season of Lent. https://firstpresanchorage.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/Lent-Brochure-2025.docx
All are welcome to join Adult Sunday School which is held in the library at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays from September – May. Lessons typically run for 6-8 weeks around a specific theme.
During the second half of the church service following the “Kid’s Time,” elementary school-aged children are invited to join our Sunday School called Godly Play. Godly Play is an opportunity for children to experience the faith story in creative ways. Godly Play teaches children to listen for God and to make authentic and creative responses to God’s call in their lives. Parents can pick their child up after the service downstairs.
The First Presbyterian Youth Group (7-12 graders) meets once a month with other Presbyterian youth from the Anchorage area for fellowship, study, recreation, and service projects.
The Christian Education (CE) committee plans a variety of after church fellowship events to support faith formation throughout the year, puts on an annual summer Vacation Bible School every June, and supports a monthly Game Night for church friends and families. Look for details about these events in the weekly bulletin.
We livestream our services via Facebook and Youtube. If you miss a live service, you can find it here.
Watching online? Check in with us Here!
Our online bulletin and this week’s announcements are available. Click on the blue links to read them.
Feel free to contact the Church Office with any needs or concerns. Our Current Office hours are 9 am-1 pm M-F. Appointments are recommended.
Pastor Matt and Danna check their messages during their normal working hours.